Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chair Obsession

Dale and I love chairs. Not big fluffy armchair for reading in but office chairs. It's mostly Dale, but somehow he has taken me a long this ridiculous ride. I've been interning SPCO for a total of two days and am taking a chair home with me. They're doing a "beautification" of the office and an awesome 60's chair isn't beautiful enough...so it's coming home with me. Where it's going to go?...I have no idea.

Also, Dale and I own 12 chairs...I mean 13...only 2 are dining room chairs and 2 are stools. Here is a picture of what the chair kinda looks like. Nice, right? It's not as shabby as this one and has more detailing but this is the design.

1 comment:

  1. I actually came across Spacify.com that has a huge variety of home office chair with some new and stylish.
